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9 ways to avoid being crushed by your rapid business growth

9 ways to avoid being crushed by your rapid business growth

It might sound like a paradox, but companies are often crushed by their own growth. A boom can bring about many changes—you might be taking on numerous commitments at once, signing lucrative contracts in record time and watching orders soar. But all of this requires...

Top 10 Reasons Why Employees Quit Their Jobs

Top 10 Reasons Why Employees Quit Their Jobs

Employees quit their job for many reasons. They follow spouses or partners across the country, stay home with children, change careers, find upwardly mobile career promotions, and go back to school. Those reasons are tough to address by an employer because they...

Eight Common Reasons Small Businesses Fail

Eight Common Reasons Small Businesses Fail

It’s no secret that a large portion of entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners fail. Studies have shown a full 20% of small businesses fail in their first year, 30% in their second year, and 50% by year five. A full 70% of small businesses don’t make it past their...

What Is Branding And Why Is It So Important For Your Business?

What Is Branding And Why Is It So Important For Your Business?

By definition, Branding is the marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that is easily identifiable as belonging to the company. It helps to highlight brand's credibility in the marketplace and creates a following for products. Branding encompasses...

How to Ace Networking Even if You an Introvert?

How to Ace Networking Even if You an Introvert?

We all know networking is a career essential, making the rounds at many business lunches and cocktails or dazzling at a countless stream of conferences and seminars can seem daunting! However, successful networking isn’t just for extroverts! So what can an introvert...

The Ultimate Father’s Day Gift Guide

The Ultimate Father’s Day Gift Guide

Father's Day rolls around and we need to find the perfect gift.  It’s about time to trade in those socks he gets almost every year for something unusual.  The hard part isn’t celebrating these important men and all he has done for you throughout the...